Council Exchange Board of Trade

Building Trusted Networks



To lead a national inclusive technology based economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing America's Minority Businesses and Communities for economic growth and success in the worldwide economy.



Discover 2024 CEBOT Event Series

In today's dynamic technological landscape, fostering collaboration among the minority technology industry is paramount to creating a sustainable and thriving innovation ecosystem. Through networking and events, the industry can unite under a common goal, leveraging their collective expertise and resources to bolster entrepreneurial activities.

The Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT) plays a crucial role in representing the robust minority tech industry, working with a mission to develop ambitious and measurable targets. By focusing on near-term outcome-oriented strategies, CEBOT aims to enhance opportunities for both Public and Private contracting, facilitating greater access to capital and resources for minority tech entrepreneurs.

This collaborative effort will not only empower diverse voices within the tech community but also fuel groundbreaking innovations that have the potential to shape the future of technology on a global scale. to increase Public and Private contracting opportunities.

2022 Event Series Program Briefing

Download Current Discover2022 Event Briefing



The DISCOVER2022 event series provides an operating mechanisms for local and state connectivity, serving as an accelerator to advance new ideas into reality for broad education and economic benefit. 

Featuring CEBOT's Top 3,000 Registered Minority Tech Company Members
Representing $23 Billion in Sales and 143,000 Employees worldwide.

The Minority Technology Industry and the decades of industry CEBOT research brings the necessary agency and power to facilitate local ecosystems anchored by government, academia and industry partnerships.


The DISCOVER2022 events combined with the illumination of over 3,000 high growth high demand minority technology employers will  improve the job-creating entrepreneurship performance and employment prospects of traditionally underrepresented populations in minority communities across the United States.

August 2022

Discover2022Event Series

Fostering a 21st Century Economy

Industry Cooperation & Benefit from the
New Federal Infrastructure Laws

Given the post pandemic economic crisis and lack of equitable access, minority small and medium enterprises (MSME) have new opportunities to grow by cooperative contract agreements and investor engaged public/private joint ventures.

CEBOT events will bring Government, Education and Industry together to collaborate in developing procurement teams that build on CEBOT's market research and an industry based research partnership methodology

CEBOT DISCOVER2022 Event ResearchLooking Forward Research & Development

American Innovation Ecosystem Framework

Community stakeholder agreements are best facilitated through  frameworks that are built from evidence-based applied research.  Creating an economic value chain from human capital improvement requires governance, faith and industry input.

AIEF recognizes that across the U.S. our education and workforce systems are ready for change and engagement.

Joint Venture Investments

The CEBOT Outcome Fund research and due diligence process builds trust in community economic revitalization ecosystems. The industry based fund is focus on asset-based investments coupled with an employer attraction plans.

As an intermediator CEBOT builds intentional sustainability and local job growth by generating outcomes that increase high growth high demand workforce areas like cybersecurity and information communications and technology.

Emergent HBCU Workforce & Revitalization Ecosystem Partnerships

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Industry Intermediary

Today's economic system of greed is unsustainable and institutional investors, consumers and community stakeholders are becoming aware of a need for a new ecosystem "sector" participant that focuses on a value based business construct.  Industry must take a global lead to substantiate a "fourth sector" industrial revolution that bridges together public sector burdens with industry innovation and solutions to enable the promise of sustainable growth and prosperity through public private partnership joint ventures.

Infrastructure & Capital Access

Strategic investments and partnerships that create the regional economic ecosystems are required to foster globally competitive regions throughout the United States. The HBCU HEI EAA Consortia (SMART Consortia) supports development in economically distressed areas of the United States by fostering learning, job creation and attracting private investment.

Regional assets and industry engagement supports the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities across multiple regions through the United States.

Governance & Transformation

CEBOT's Looking Forward Research & Development Directorate has conducted a national longitudinal research program that is now a national movement of sustained, higher leverage, local and state programmatic and strategic growth algorithms.  The U.S. economic Post COVID-19 recovery provides America and HBCU with unique, catalytic opportunity to convene and utilize proven innovation ecosystem strategies from a nationally recognized federal innovation stakeholder.

The SMART HBCU HUB located at Norfolk State University's Cybersecurity Complex establishes and maintains trusted operating models that promote ecosystem development.

CEBOT's Innovation Ecosystem Research

Publications and Federal Public Comments

$1.2 Trillion averted from Minority Communities

Building a Nation of Producers

America's economy converges and grows when industry, government and community partners work together and agree to joint profitable and sustainable economic outcomes.

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Click Button above toview Fourth Sector Website

11     Kansas City
12     Las Vegas
13     Indianapolis
14     Puerto Rico
15     Cincinnati
16     Raleigh-Durham
17     Virginia Beach-Norfolk
18     New Orleans
19     Birmingham
20     Boston

  1    New York-Newark
  2    Los Angeles
  3    Chicago
  4    Washington DC
  5    San Francisco
  6    Dallas-Fort Worth
  7    Miami
  8    Atlanta
  9    Detroit
10    Cleveland

65,000 Minority Technology Companies

The Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT) brings a rich history of advocacy and procurement policy guidance within the federal policy ecosystem.  The $100 Billion Minority Technology Industry is a source of jobs to over 500,000 professionals both in the United States and abroad.  CEBOT  brings applied research & development to growth algorithms that catalyze regional innovation ecosystems, stimulating economic development and uplifting minority business and community.  CEBOT leadership and Senior Fellows bring new capabilities, investment and research capacity to the minority technology industry and to the stakeholders they serve.




Engagement requires value and produces consensus when process is key.  Governance gives rise to planned growth both individually and throughout the ecosystem.

Growth rises when not stifled by moral hazard.   CEBOT algorithms facilitate a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.

Innovation liberates possibilities, improves systems and can transform bureaucracies into managed serviced/resource based functions.   

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Our intent is to create exceptional value exchange between our members and the Council

The Council Exchange Board of Trade is organized as a 501(c)6 Trade Association.  

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